Monday, April 29, 2013

way too long

It has been over a month since my last post. Wow! That time flew by..

The last few weeks have been filled with cheer-leading, work, volunteering, and not to mention all the things going on in my house. There has been some really wonderful times, as well as some extremely stressful moments. The kitchen is about 90% complete, and the girls have worked extra hard for the Cheer competition that is just 2 weeks away. Taking on an extra shift at work has been a smidge frustrating, but it is  temporary, and I just have to remind myself of that. I finally feel as though normalcy is returning to daily life. The routine that has been non existent for the last few months is nearly back to its usual chaos.

I had oodles of ideas for my next blog post.. and now that I am sitting here, none seem adequate or fit my mood. Maybe I just have to get back into the swing of things... my writing is a bit rusty. The ability to relax and get out my thoughts is something unfamiliar to me now.. since lately my "free time" has been very limited, but, I am confident that in the near future I will be back to ranting and raving on my little blog!