Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's Time..

Ok, this pity party has to end! I have wasted too many days feeling sorry for myself. Time to snap out of it, and get my ass moving in a positive direction. I might have to "fake it til' I make it", but I am determined to get out of this funk! 

With that being said I now have to figure out how to go about it.. Deciding to move forward is easy.. actually taking the first step is the hard part. I need to get out of my head! Where do I start? There are so many things to catch up on.. laundry, dusting, and lets not forget scrubbing the bathrooms! Sounds pretty fun! (Insert sarcasm here) Is this what my life has become? Sure, having a clean house is satisfying, but spending all day making it sparkle, only to have it become a shitmess again by dinner time is not exactly my idea of an accomplishment. Housework is just something that is expected of me and weather or not I feel like doing it.. it has to get done. 

There is always my camera. I have a way of getting lost in my Nikon. I am not a great photographer, but there is something about taking pictures that gives me an appreciation of life. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else. Its almost as if I can freeze a moment in time. Some photo's I have taken spark such emotion in me.. I can remember how I was feeling at that very second.

Here is an example:

 To anyone else this is just a picture of 2 butterflies. When I look at this, I can feel the warmth of that spring day. I remember sitting on a picnic blanket with my girls enjoying a snack outside in the sunshine, and the overwhelming amount of baby monarchs swarming the fragrant, purple salvia in my garden. It was amazing. Just seeing this picture improves my mood.

It is decided! I am going to get my ass of this computer, ignore the desire to put on sweatpants, and get moving! No matter how loud the couch calls my name, I will not surrender to the urges of laziness.  I will stand strong and get something accomplished! 

Ok, self pep talk is over.. time to get a move on! 

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