Sunday, January 13, 2013


I was struggling with what to post. After about 45 minutes of staring at a blank page, the title of "Me.." popped into my noggin. Getting an idea of who I am as a person might make my future posts make a little more sense. Like I said in my first post.. this is an outlet for me.. which I can only assume would indicate some randomness with my content.

 If you already know me personally, you are probably aware that I deal with, suffer from ,  have some anxiety issues. Come to find out that I am not the only one! (who knew?) Being creative has always been like therapy to me. When I have accomplished something, whether it be baking something delicious, or taking an old door and making it a desk, I get a sense of achievement. A feeling as if I climbed Mt. Everest. (ok, maybe a little exaggerated, but you get it right?) 

Now, I don't always finish what I set out to do.. I am certain that I am not alone on this one.. You know.. the half done scrapbook you swore you would finish, or the scarf you were hellbent on knitting? But I look at them as "on hold" instead of "undone". One thing I do accomplish on a daily basis is seeing something beautiful within the day. That is one of the most IMPORTANT things to do. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of days where this is a struggle.. but there has to be something that you see, hear, read etc. that  gives you some feeling of awe. For instance, the other day was proving to be "one of those days". My pants didn't fit, I lost one of my shoes, my dog spilled my last cup of coffee, and no matter how many times I tried, my eyeliner looked as if my 10 year old tried to apply it with her toes. I was in a serious funk and it was only 10 am! As I was rummaging through my jewelry box, I came across the necklace my youngest gave me for Christmas, its a small heart that says "Mom". Everything that happened in the last two hours was minuscule now. I put on the necklace with a refreshing exhale and realized that I am truly blessed. Yes, something as insignificant as this necklace reminded me of Riley, and the undeniable beauty of being a mother. Without my amazing daughters there might not be so much chaos, and my life would be boring! After this, I went about my day with a different mindset. I should remember not to put my jeans in the dryer, and a quick smudge made my crooked eyeliner look purposefully smokey. It was going to be a better day!

My Riley-Bug

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